The speaker gave us useful tips for our travel in Europe. She briefed us with our itinerary, mentioning activities as a group and the allotted free time for ourselves to spend on whatever we want to do or wherever nearby places we can visit in a short while.
We fly to Amsterdam as entry, then to "Lisbon, Fatima in Portugal", then to "Salamanca, Burgos in Spain", then to "Loyola, Lourdes, Nice in France" and finally to "Assisi, Cascia, the Vatican City and Rome in Italy" then via Amsterdam going back to Manila.
Money used is exclusively Euro, American dollars are not accepted, though such can be exchanged for Euro there. She also mentioned that we can bring some biscuits and noodles for snack but definitely no large amount of liquid in our hand-carried luggage. All containers with liquid must be placed in a transparent resealable (zip-lock) plastic bag, total quantity not to exceed 1 liter.
Now, we are ready to see Europe in autumn.