What a trip and what a group!

Got the rare opportunity to be with the greats, no less than Adrian Panganiban, a former showbiz personality, who sings beautifully and Bo Sanchez himself , the
Preacher in Blue Jeans. What a spectacular trip!

This one is Lorna, the gal with a resounding, tingling laugh. What a friend!

Beside me is the eighty-year old Nanay Cleofe with daughter Gladys, Lanee's sister. Remember down-to-earth
Lanee? Gladys, on the other hand, is a well-traveled individual as a result of her work. This time her trip is for their mother, but it turned out to be meaningful and relaxing for her as well.

This is Benj, my partner in training and emcee stints in our former employer. He's my
"kumpare". His daughter Chiara is my god daughter.

He and his loving wife Fely, renewed their wedding vows at St. Ignatius de Loyola Basilica in Spain. This is their special request as they celebrate their silver wedding anniversary this year. Congratulations guys. Super! Behind them are Father Alex, our inspiring priest and Michael, the cool helpful dude. Hey, that's me doing the video coverage.

Yup, this is the gang. In front, there's young, kind-hearted, soft-spoken but kalog Yas and the beautiful, Paraluman-look alike mom Fran, who went straight home to Pampanga after the trip.
Hi too to the Davao Ladies, Grace and Mama Lina. They are well-traveled thus I got to be super entertained with lots of their personal stories and experiences with wisdom.
Bro. Jake and his wife Pat, proceeded to London. There's my prayer partner also, Tita Adel, with her friends Tita Vicky plus Tita Rio and her pretty daughter Maricel, who was on her fourth visit to Lourdes. Miss you all!